DISCUSSION: Connect deeper with your spouse as we explore what makes deep connections in communication. Be aware of the distractions that prevent you from truly having deep conversations. Find sacred times to put down the phone and your media and work through the bitterness that may prevent you from going to your spouse. As always, we welcome you t...
A Safe Landing
DESCRIPTION: Caleb McKean with A Safe Landing, PLLC Christian Counseling discusses topics related to emotional health. What does it mean to see Christ in the healing process for emotional health and healing the broken hearted? Expanding upon our prior conversation with hope. Hope is so important for the healing. Caleb discusses how hope and our per...
DESCRIPTION: Caleb states that the Christian Counseling model of counseling he uses can differ from other types of counseling, especially regarding the topic of "Self Control". He addresses motivation to create change from actions that do not exhibit self control, examples of decisions not to change, and how to create change. Caleb discusses how he...
In this video, Caleb shares a Christian Counseling perspective on dealing with pain. Caleb looks at some aspects of pain, its presence, and its cycles,. He also discusses some possible methods of dealing with it, including physical, emotional, and relationship pain. Caleb's noticed that sometimes we are not always aware of the emotional pain that c...
In this video, Caleb McKean looks at emotions and feelings from a Christian Counseling viewpoint. Caleb talks about emotions and feelings. He's noticed that many people do not like feeling any type of strong emotion. And, he very clearly states a healthy goal in counseling: "Am I living life the best that I can, even if bad things happen." Therefor...
DISCUSSION: In this video, Caleb discusses perspectives on moral issues and sin. How does a society/culture function regarding sin and moral issues? How are these issues discussed in the Bible? What is the difference between our society's view and the Bible? In this brief synopsis, we'll look at just some of the perspectives Caleb brings on this to...
DISCUSSION: Are you feeling stuck about something or things in your life? Caleb looks at how to grow and not feel stuck. He looks at relationships with people, our feelings about our life, and internal growth. Caleb discusses working towards deep, rooted changes vs. just doing things to feel comfortable or put up with problems. Growth can be hard, ...
DISCUSSION: Rest is essential to who God is. Rest is so significant to God. Why? What is rest? How do we look at resting as compared to anxiety? Caleb discusses the thought that anxiety manifests when there's a lack of rest. Rest provides us with what we need. Caleb also discusses what we need to heal and recover. However, when we rest, we can even...
DESCRIPTION: A Safe Landing, PLLC Christian Counseling. Caleb McKean continues the discussion regarding deeper emotional healing through Jesus in Christian Counseling. How going with God often means going deeper. He discusses what is healing for the broken hearted, for those with lots of stress? What is the importance in knowing our identity in Chr...
Many people these days are talking about experiencing a lot of rushing thoughts going around and around constantly in their minds. Caleb discusses the difference between active and passive thoughts, and looks closely at this topic. CONTACT INFORMATION:PH: 405-696-7636 E-Mail:
Many people these days are talking about experiencing a lot of rushing thoughts going around and around constantly in their minds. Caleb discusses the difference between active and passive thoughts, and looks closely at this topic. CONTACT INFORMATION:PH: 405-696-7636 E-Mail:
A Safe Landing takes a Christian approach to counseling. Caleb shares some suggestions for dealing with anxiety. Typically anxiety comes in question form: what about (this happening, or that happening), or what if (this) happens? One thing we can do is be mindful of the questions we are asking. We take an approach to counseling to help you have the...
Currently, there's so much struggle that people are experiencing. How do we have hope for the future? How do we deal with anxiety? In this video, we look at anxiety, depression, and how to have hope. Do you need to grow your hope and happiness? We hope these short tips will help. And, please feel free to call us; we'll be glad to help. CONTACT INFO...
Everybody has desire and expectations for things. In this video, we briefly examine the topic of desire in scriptures, how to identify and develop healthy desires, and what do we need to be have our desires fashioned by in Him? We also look at expectations that may cloud or change effect our desires. CONTACT INFORMATION: Ph: 405-696-7636, https://Y...
In the video below, Caleb provides a crucial perspective in counseling because of the times. Many people are needing multiple aspects of care. We want to encourage you that there is hope that surpasses all knowledge, all fears, all worries. He shows up. With our practice, He shows up daily. If you need help with counseling, we want you to know that...

The feelings of fear and the overwhelming experience that nobody understands you— where does it come from? Sometimes it feels like even your own thoughts are against you. These thoughts are constantly reminding you that you’re completely alone, nobody cares about you, nobody sees you, and nobody wants to be around you. If you ever feel l...