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A Safe Landing

A Christian Perspective on Counseling

Are You Feeling Stuck?

DISCUSSION: Are you feeling stuck about something or things in your life? Caleb looks at how to grow and not feel stuck. He looks at relationships with people, our feelings about our life, and internal growth. Caleb discusses working towards deep, rooted changes vs. just doing things to feel comfortable or put up with problems. Growth can be hard, ...

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Recovering the Heart

In this video, Caleb McKean looks at emotions and feelings from a Christian Counseling viewpoint. Caleb talks about emotions and feelings. He's noticed that many people do not like feeling any type of strong emotion. And, he very clearly states a healthy goal in counseling: "Am I living life the best that I can, even if bad things happen." Therefor...

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What About Pain?

In this video, Caleb shares a Christian Counseling perspective on dealing with pain. Caleb looks at some aspects of pain, its presence, and its cycles,. He also discusses some possible methods of dealing with it, including physical, emotional, and relationship pain. Caleb's noticed that sometimes we are not always aware of the emotional pain that c...

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Looking for God's Glory

In this inspiring video, Caleb discusses the topic "Looking for God's Glory". First, Caleb gives a brief synopsis of The Glory of the Lord accompanying and being with the Israelites. Next, he discusses Christian experiences with The Glory; such as during worship. In John 17:3, we see the words "know the One True God and Jesus Christ the One He sent...

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Going After God

In this Christian perspective on counseling, Caleb looks at what it means to "Go After God" and having Him renew your mind. Caleb discusses neurotheology (a multidisciplinary field of study that seeks to understand the relationship between the human brain and religion) in regards to what parts of the brain fire during different activities. For exam...

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