In this inspiring video, Caleb discusses the topic "Looking for God's Glory". First, Caleb gives a brief synopsis of The Glory of the Lord accompanying and being with the Israelites. Next, he discusses Christian experiences with The Glory; such as during worship. In John 17:3, we see the words "know the One True God and Jesus Christ the One He sent". The word "know" in that context means "to experience God in the very fiber of your being".

Caleb shares how he desires to see God and experience Him in other ways and other aspects of his daily life. To meet this desire, he set out for 6 weeks to pursue God in His Glory and God's rewarding of diligence in pursuing Him. Listen as Caleb then connects this to his experiences and concepts of Christian Counseling to create healthy change and bring us closer to God. He terms this "Spirit-led Counseling".

As always, we welcome you to call us at 405-696-7636, email Caleb at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or visit our website at

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